Intent. To establish and preserve peaceful, attractive, safe low-density residential neighborhoods of single-family detached dwelling units with a rural character and to protect the integrity of such areas by prohibiting the intermixture of residential and incompatible non-residential uses, and to match existing Single Family Residential developments (SF).
Land Uses
Development Standard
Permitted Uses
By special use permit
Site Requirements
Supplementary Requirements
1. Single family, detached dwellings limited to no more than one such building per lot and occupied by no more than one family.
2. Accessory structures and uses customarily incidental to single family, detached dwelling in a rural setting.
3. A recreational vehicle may be used for guests of the family residing in the principal dwelling to a period not to exceed 30 days within a three-month period.
4. Temporary Construction Storage as defined in § 150.007.
5. Home occupation located within the principal dwelling and meeting the criteria of § 150.131.
6. Community homes as that term is defined in § 150.007 and subject to the limitations and requirements for such homes as set forth in the Texas Human Resources Code, as it may be from time to time amended.
7. A single guest house, as that term is defined in § 150.007, which is used for human habitation by a reasonable number of persons, provided that the habitants of guest houses in SF, Single Family Residential Districts shall not pay rent or other compensation for us of the guest house or any portion thereof. Guest houses may also be used for any use that would constitute an "incidental use", as that term is defined in this Code, that is permitted in SF, Single Family Residential Districts.
1. Home Occupation in an accessory building (A special use permit is not required for a home occupation located within the principal dwelling and meeting all applicable criteria of this Code.)
General Requirements
Maximum DU per acre: 1.0
Minimum Lot Size: 1.0 acre
Minimum Lot Width at Front Setback Line: 120 ft.
Minimum Street Frontage:
Standard Lot: 120 ft.
Cul-de-Sac Lot: 60 ft.
Minimum Lot Depth: 300 ft.
Minimum Floor Area: 1,500 ft squared
Maximum Impervious Cover Not to Exceed Allowable under Watershed Provisions of this Code
Primary Use & Structure Minimum Setbacks
Front: 50 ft.
Side: 20 ft.
Rear: 30 ft.
Maximum Height: 35 ft.
Accessory Use & Structure
Maximum Height: 20 ft.
Minimum Side and Rear
Setback: 20 ft.
Maximum No. of Bldgs: 3
Minimum Distance Between Buildings: 10 ft.
Placement: Side or Rear Yd
Maximum Floor Area/Bldg: 1,000 ft squared
Maximum Combined Floor Area: 1,500 ft squared
Off-Street Parking
2 spaces/dwelling unit plus one-half parking space per bedroom
Other Requirements by Reference to the Following Provisions of this Codes, as Amended:
1. Wastewater System Provisions of this Code
2. Watershed Provisions of this Code
3. Landscaping and Buffering Provisions of this Code
4. Sign and Outdoor Lighting Provisions of this Code with the stipulation that all outdoor lighting shall be directed away from neighboring properties (i.e., either up to light tree canopies or down to light ground but not horizontal away from house)
5. Subdivision Provisions of this Code
6. All other applicable Provisions of this Codes as amended