An order issued according to § 150.03 of this chapter shall contain the following information:
   (A)   The name of the person to whom the order is issued;
   (B)   The address and a brief description of the property which is the subject of the order;
   (C)   The action which the order requires the person to perform;
   (D)   The period of time in which the action is to be accomplished, beginning the day after service of the order has been accomplished.  In no case shall the period allotted for remedial action be less than four days after service of the order;
   (E)   A statement indicating that:
      (1)   The Town Council enacted a resolution declaring the property to be a nuisance;
      (2)   The person to whom the order is directed has the right to demand a prompt hearing before the Town Council at which hearing that person has the right to:
         (a)   Appear with or without legal counsel;
         (b)   Present evidence; and
         (c)   Cross-examine opposing witnesses and make argument.
      (3)   If a hearing is requested, the Town Council, after conducting the hearing, may modify or rescind the order; and
      (4)   The person to whom the order is directed may appeal the Town Council’s remedial order to a court of competent jurisdiction, regardless of whether a hearing in accordance with division (E)(2) above has been requested or held.
   (F)   A statement indicating the action that may be taken by the Town Council if the order is not complied with; and
   (G)   The name, address, and telephone number of the Town Attorney.
(1995 Code, § 150.04)