§ 110.05  EXEMPTIONS.
   (A)   The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to sales by dealers, commercial travelers, nor to sales by producers of farm or dairy products.  Any person who shall sell or offer to sell any farm or dairy products which were not actually raised or produced by him or her or by members of his or her immediate family shall be classed as an itinerant merchant.
   (B)   Any person exempted by the laws of this state from the payment of the license fees shall, before beginning business, present to the Clerk-Treasurer of the town the credentials showing that entitlement to the exemption, and shall execute and file a bond as above provided, and upon the approval of the bond by the Clerk-Treasurer authorizing engagement in the business of itinerant merchant with the town for any period not longer than one month.  If at the end of a month, the person desires to continue in this business, another certificate must be procured from the Clerk-Treasurer.
(1995 Code, § 110.05)