(A)   Whenever the owners fail to abate the nuisance, then the town shall remove the personalty to a location of its selection, the expenses therefor to be filled to the owners jointly and severally.
   (B)   When the personalty has been removed and placed in storage by the town, as provided for herein, the personalty shall be sold by the town after the lapse of time as is provided by law.  If the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to pay the costs of abatement, the owners shall be liable to the town for the balance of the costs jointly and severally.  In this event, the Clerk-Treasurer shall make a certified statement of the balance of the costs due the town, which certified statement shall be delivered to the owners by the Town Marshal or by registered mail and the owners shall have not more than ten days within which to pay the amount to the Clerk-Treasurer.
   (C)   If the owners fail to pay the balance of costs of abatement within the time prescribed, a certified copy of the statement of costs shall be filed in the County Auditor’s office, and the Auditor shall place the amount claimed on the tax duplicate against the lands of the owners located within the corporate limits of the town, and the amount shall be collected as taxes are collected and when collected shall be dispersed to the General Fund of the town.
   (D)   If the proceeds of the sale are in excess of the costs of abatement, the balance shall be paid to the owners.
(1995 Code, § 92.03)  (Ord. 1973-1, passed 9-20-1973) Penalty, see 92.99