(A)   All employees may have a performance review once a year in the month of August.
   (B)   Recommendations for salary increases are based upon job performance. The evaluator considers the quality of work, attitude, initiative, cooperation, and overall job knowledge. Regular job attendance and punctuality are also things that are considered.
   (C)   A copy of the performance evaluation will be made available to each employee.
   (D)   The Town Council once per year will give all employees a performance review. The performance review should include a discussion of the following with the staff member:
      (1)   Scope of the position and specific responsibilities and tasks;
      (2)   Assessment of performance in relation to specific responsibilities and tasks;
      (3)   Establishment of specific goals and targets to be achieved in a certain time frame;
      (4)   Evaluation of staff member’s interaction with other staff, town leadership, and members;
      (5)   Areas for improvement; and
      (6)   Areas for recognition of performance.