The following words and phrases shall have
the following meanings when used in this Chapter:
ADDRESS, LOCATION, PHYSICAL ADDRESS, OR ADDRESS SITE: The physical, locational site address issued by the City and a locational address may be used as a mailing address with the approval of the U.S. Postal Service; however, locational addresses are not issued for the purpose of mail delivery.
AGENT: A person legally empowered to act for another.
CERTIFICATE OF ADDRESS: A certificate issued by the City providing formal and official notification of the issuance of a legal locational address.
CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT: A development having more than one but three (3) or less residences or commercial businesses along a private driveway.
DWELLING UNIT: Any structure or portion thereof which contains living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
EMERGENCY SERVICES: Police, fire or ambulance services as well as other services that are necessary in a life or property threatening situation and are required immediately to protect life or property.
PRIVATE DRIVEWAY: A road or street serving three (3) or fewer dwelling units or commercial buildings. (Ord. 1992-03, 6-12-1992)