A.   Service Charges Within City: Every customer whose meter is located within the city boundaries shall pay to the city for water service:
      1.   Residential Water Rates: Residential water rates are for the individual customer for domestic water services. Residential service includes single-family housing units and apartments with individual meters for each dwelling.
Minimum for water used up to 7,000 gallons
Per 1,000 gallons of additional water taken rounded to the nearest 1,000 gallons, up to 11,000 gallons
Per 1,000 gallons up to 15,000 gallons
Thereafter per 1,000 gallons
      2.   Small Commercial Water/Wastewater Rates: Commercial water and wastewater rates are for any business or institution with water meter sizes less than two inches (2") for domestic water use. Commercial service includes retail stores, garages, restaurants, clubs, schools, and churches, municipal, state and federal buildings.
Minimum for water used up to 5,000 gallons
Per 1,000 gallons of additional water taken rounded to the nearest 1,000 gallons, up to 15,000 gallons
Thereafter per 1,000 gallons
      3.   Large Commercial And Industrial Water/Wastewater Rates: Industrial water and wastewater rates are for any commercial, industrial, or business institution with water meter sizes two inches (2") and larger and/or wastewater BODs greater than two hundred fifty milligrams per liter (250 mg/I). The water rate also applies to residential customers with meter sizes two inches (2") and larger.
Minimum for water used up to 7,000 gallons
Per 1,000 gallons of additional water taken rounded to the nearest 1,000 gallons, up to 15,000 gallons
Thereafter per 1,000
1.25 gallons
   B.   Service Charges Outside City: Every customer whose meter is located outside the city boundaries shall pay to the city the following water rates for water service:
      1.   Residential Water Rate: 5/8 x 3/4
         Water Rate: $18.00 - minimum for water used up to 7,000 gallons
      2.   Small Commercial Water Rate: 5/8 x 3/4
         Water Rate: $24.50 - minimum for water used up to 5,000 gallons
      3.   Large Commercial And Industrial Water Rates: 5/8 x 3/4 Water Rate: $30.50 - minimum for water used up to 7,000 gallons
   C.   Multiple Units; Master Meter: Where a master meter is located within or outside the city and serves more than one living unit or more than one commercial unit or combination of living unit and commercial unit, in addition to all charges under subsection A or B of this section, the customer shall pay a monthly minimum charge equal to thirteen dollars ($13.00) plus tax multiplied by the number of living units and commercial units served. (Ord. 04-02, 1-20-2004)
   D.   Charge For Service Discontinued:
      1.   Whenever service is discontinued, a charge of twenty five dollars ($25.00) plus tax shall be made by the city to cover the cost of reconnecting service during normal city business hours.
      2.   If a customer requests reconnection after normal business hours, a charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be made by the city for such special service. (Ord. 1985-01, 3-5-1985)
   E.   Charge For Check Returned For Insufficient Funds: The city may apply a charge of twenty five dollars ($25.00) plus tax to the customer's account balance in the event a customer's check or bank draft is returned for insufficient funds. (Ord. 04-02, 1-20-2004)
   F.   Taps Purchased Subject To Minimum Bill: All taps purchased, whether the tap is installed or not, will be subject to the minimum bill starting the first month from purchase date. All taps not physically installed, but paid for, shall be subject to any and all tap fee increases up to the time of installation.
   G.   One Time Tap Fee And Meter Charge:
      1.   Within City: In addition to all other charges, a one time tap fee and meter deposit for service to property inside the city shall be paid in advance of connection to the system by all customers for each meter as follows:
Meter Size
Connection Or Tap Fee
Meter Deposit
5/8 x 3/4 inch
Plus $30.00
1 inch
Plus meter cost, accessories and extra labor
2 inch
Plus meter cost, accessories and extra labor
3 inch
Plus meter cost, accessories and extra labor
4 inch
Plus meter cost, accessories and extra labor
5 inch
Plus meter cost, accessories and extra labor
      2.   Outside City: In addition to all other charges, a one time tap fee and meter deposit for service to property outside the city shall be paid in advance of connection to the system by all customers for each meter as follows:
Meter Size
Connection Or Tap Fee
Meter Deposit
5/8 x 3/4 inch
Plus $50.00
1 inch
Plus meter cost, accessories and extra labor
2 inch
Plus meter cost, accessories and extra labor
3 inch
Plus meter cost, accessories and extra labor
4 inch
Plus meter cost, accessories and extra labor
5 inch
Plus meter cost, accessories and extra labor
      3.   Multiple Units; Master Meter: A customer who installs a master meter to serve more than one living unit or more than one commercial unit or combination of living unit and commercial unit, shall pay an amount equal to the number of units multiplied by the tap fee. (Ord. 1985-01, 3-5-1985)
   H.   Charge Imposed On Lots Not Connected To Available Service Pipes:
      1.   Charge Established: There is hereby imposed upon any improved or unimproved lot or land not having water connections within the city which lot or land adjoins any street, public right of way or easement, through which water pipes which can be tapped for water connections are laid, and adequate service thereto is available, a minimum annual charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) or seventy five cents ($0.75) per front foot of such lot or land so adjoining such street, public right of way or easement, whichever is more.
      2.   Annual Billing: Bills for charges imposed under this subsection for such service shall be rendered annually beginning July 1, 1984. The charges imposed under this subsection shall not begin until six (6) months from the date that adequate water service to such lot or land is available. (Ord. 1993-03, 3-22-1993)
      3.   Owner Responsible; Lien; Exception:
         a.    The charges imposed under subsection H1 and H2 of this section are the responsibility of the owner of the lot or land not having water connections, which lot or land adjoins any street, public right of way or easement through which water pipes which can be tapped for water connections are laid, and adequate service thereto is available.
         b.    The charges imposed under this subsection shall constitute a lien upon the property so charged and shall be a personal responsibility of the owner so charged.
         c.    No charges shall be made pursuant to this subsection for service to any lot or land where for technical reasons the water could not be used by such adjoining property. (Ord. 1985-01, 3-5-1985)
   I.   Annual Increase: All rates, including minimum and variable rates, shall be increased by four percent (4%) or adjusted for inflation annually from the current seventy five percent (75%) to one hundred percent (100%) of the consumer price index (percent Dec. - Dec.), whichever is greatest, U.S. department of labor, bureau of statistics, CPI-U, all items, unless otherwise acted upon by the municipal governing body. This annual increase to become effective based on April 1, 2009. (Ord. 04-02, 1-20-2004; amd. Ord. 09-01, 3-17-2009)



1. See also chapter 3 of this title.