(A) The Mayor shall be elected by separate ballot. The Mayor under the general statutory plan of government for the Village of Sunbury elected in November of 2019 for a term beginning on January 1, 2020 is hereby designated as the initial Mayor of the Municipality under this Chatter. At the general municipal election to be held in November of 2023, and each four years thereafter, one person shall be elected from the Municipality at large to serve a term of four years as the Mayor, which term shall commence as of January I of the year immediately following each election.
(B) Candidates for Mayor shall have been electors of the Municipality or any area annexed to the Municipality for at least one year immediately prior to the time they file for or are appointed to office, and during a term of office the Mayor shall remain so qualified. The Mayor shall not hold any other public office during a term, except that the Mayor may (i) hold office in a political party or be a delegate to a political party convention, (ii) serve as a notary public, (iii) serve as a member or officer in the military reserve or national guard, (iv) serve in any office, position or capacity to represent the Municipality or to further intergovernmental cooperation, and (v) hold any office permitted by this Charter or the laws of the State of Ohio. The Mayor need not be a full-time official of the Municipality and may hold other employment as permitted by the laws of the State of Ohio, including all ethics laws.