(a)   Each owner, or the duly designated agent thereof, of one or more units of real property located within the Village of Sunbury which are rented or available for rent commencing March 15, 2003, and on or before March 15th of each year thereafter, and on September 15, 2003, and on or before September 15th of each year thereafter, shall submit to the Village Administrator, or the designee thereof, a list of tenants presently occupying those rental units, the date upon which each tenant began occupying their respective rental unit, and a list indicating those units which are vacant. For the purpose of this section, “Rental Units” includes any unit of real property which is subject to a rental agreement, whether oral or written, for residential, commercial or industrial purposes.
   (b)   If a tenant’s name appears on one six-month report and vacates the unit prior to the next reporting period, a forwarding address and the date the tenant vacated the unit is to be listed on the next six-month report.
   (c)   Any person who fails to file this report in violation of this Ordinance shall be subject to a fine of five dollars ($5.00) per day for each and every day they remain in violation.
(Ord. 2002-58. Passed 11-13-02.)