A. District Intent: The Village Overlay is intended to incentivize cooperation and community design flexibility. The purpose of the Village Overlay is to reestablish and revitalize existing, non-incorporated communities in Eastern Summit County, specifically:
1. The aim of the Village Overlay is to create a comprehensive, community-specific land use and design strategy to address community needs, including but not limited to:
a. Construction of cost-efficient public and/or private infrastructure (streets, water and wastewater).
b. A range of housing opportunities.
c. Space for local start-up businesses and live-work space.
d. Local employment opportunities.
e. Access to:
(1) Local shopping,
(2) Cafes and restaurants,
(3) Offices,
(4) Service commercial and light industrial uses,
(5) Civic and institutional uses, and
(6) Regional public transportation.
B. The Village Overlay Establishment Process:
1. Initiation: The Village Overlay process shall be initiated by the filing of a complete application with the Summit County Planning Department pursuant to section 11-4-4 of this title.
2. Village Overlay Study Area Boundary: An initial Village Overlay study area boundary shall be proposed by the applicants and reviewed by the County Council. The study area boundary may be subsequently modified during the process of developing a plan; however, the study area shall not be modified by more than twenty percent (20%) without the review by the County Council.
3. Creation Of A Village Overlay Plan And Zoning Districts:
a. Village Overlay Committee: Upon the initiation of a Village Overlay study area boundary, the County Council shall appoint a Village Overlay Committee for the specific purpose of developing a proposed plan and zoning districts for the study area. The Village Overlay Committee shall include no more than five (5) representatives of the affected property owners, a non-quorum (no more than 3) of the Eastern Summit County Planning Commission, County staff members, and any service provider agencies deemed necessary by the County Council.
b. Village Overlay Plan And Zoning Districts: The Village Overlay Committee shall develop a plan and proposed zoning districts that address:
(1) Land Uses: A mix of residential uses may be considered, including detached single-family, attached single-family, and multi-family. Mixed-use land-uses may also be considered, including residential, commercial, service commercial, and light industrial.
(2) Density: A proposed zoning district densities shall be based upon sufficient access, circulation, connectivity, water, and wastewater infrastructure.
(3) Development Standards: Requirements for development, including but not limited to minimum lot sizes, building height, setbacks, parking, streets and circulation, community/civic space, and infrastructure.
(4) Infrastructure: Infrastructure implementation including financing and phasing.
Upon completion by the Village Overlay Committee, the proposed Village Overlay plan and draft zoning districts shall be forwarded to the Eastern Summit County Planning Commission for review and recommendation to the County Council.
4. Eastern Summit County Planning Commission Review: A Village Overlay plan and draft zoning districts shall be reviewed by the Eastern Summit County Planning Commission as a rezone per chapter 5 of this title and shall be subject to review of the master planned development (MPD) requirements found in subsections 11-4-12E and F of this title. The Eastern Summit County Planning Commission's recommendation on the Village Overlay plan, rezone, and draft zoning districts shall be forwarded to the County Council for review and final action.
5. County Council Review And Action: The County Council shall review and take final action on a Village Overlay Zone plan, rezone, and draft zoning districts pursuant to subsection 11-5-3B of this title. Final action shall include a Council decision to amend the Eastern Summit County General Plan by adding the Village Overlay plan to the General Plan and amending the Eastern Summit County zoning ordinance to include any new zoning districts intended to implement the plan. (Ord. 877, 4-18-2018, eff. 6-1-2018)