The Land Use Authority shall review all applications for compliance and consistency with the following development evaluation standards:
   A.   Undevelopable Lands: Development is prohibited on land which is found, on the basis of engineering and/or geologic data, to be within a geological hazard area.
      1.   Notwithstanding the foregoing prohibition, development upon lands containing geologic hazards may be allowed by approval of the Community Development Director in cases where the developer demonstrates that the geologic hazard is fully mitigated so as to ameliorate the risks to health, safety and the general welfare of residents by appropriate design and construction techniques.
   B.   Erosion: Care shall be taken to ensure that development shall not contribute to the acceleration of the erosion of soil and rock and stream sedimentation or cause other significant environmental concerns.
   C.   Hillside Development: Development shall minimize the highly visible placement of homes and other structures on hillsides. Whenever possible, development shall be sensitively sited in order to encourage effective open space and the conservation of the natural appearance and aesthetic beauty of the mountains. When hillside development is permitted, it shall be integrated into the site, using topography, vegetation and other reasonable techniques, in a manner that causes it to blend into the hillside. Development near the toe of the hill, including the transitional area between the hillside and flat meadow areas, is appropriate.
   D.   Floodplain: Development shall be strongly discouraged in a 100-year floodplain or in areas where there is a high water table.
      1.   Development shall meet all requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
      2.   Development shall not significantly alter the natural drainage patterns of the land.
   E.   Wetlands: Development is prohibited in wetlands unless appropriate mitigation is approved by the Army Corps of Engineers.
   F.   Natural Grade Slopes (Prohibition): Development is prohibited on natural grade slopes in excess of thirty percent (30%).
   G.   Natural Grade Slopes (Exception): In the event a conforming parcel has no locations (or insufficient area) for otherwise permissible development without violating subsection F of this section, or in the event access to a suitable development area on a conforming parcel requires the crossing of an area of thirty percent (30%) slope, the Community Development Director may approve development as a low impact permit subject to the findings in section 11-4-8 of this title and the following additional findings:
      1.   The proposed development is located on the least environmentally sensitive portion of the site. The development is designed so that existing significant vegetation can be maintained to the greatest degree possible;
      2.   Development is designed to fit well into the natural terrain, minimize excessive site grading and protect, preserve, and enhance the level of quality of the surrounding area;
      3.   To the greatest extent possible, all driveways and walkways shall parallel slope contours;
      4.   The structure is designed to be stepped to follow the natural line of the existing topography; and
      5.   The applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the building official that the soil is stable and suitable for construction activity.
   H.   Wildlife, Range Areas, Migration Corridors: Care shall be taken to ensure that development shall not significantly affect in a negative fashion wildlife birthing areas, critical winter range areas and migration corridors.
   I.   Ridgeline Development (Prohibition): Ridgeline development shall not be placed on any hillside or ridgeline in a manner that causes any portion of a structure to extend into the skyline as viewed from a public road when:
      1.   The public road is located below the ground elevation of the structure; and
      2.   The public road is more than one-half (1/2) linear mile from the structure measured from the proposed building location; and
      3.   The public road is less than one and one-half (11/2) linear miles from the structure, measured from the proposed building location.
   J.   Ridgeline Development (Exception): Where it is not possible to build on a conforming parcel without violating the prohibition in subsection I of this section, the Community Development Director may approve ridgeline development as a low impact permit subject to the findings in section 11-4-8 of this title and all of the following additional criteria:
      1.   The proposed ridgeline development is located on the least environmentally sensitive portion of the site. The development is designed so that existing significant vegetation can be maintained to the greatest degree possible.
      2.   The proposed ridgeline development shall be located to ensure that the least amount of the structure extends into the skyline.
      3.   The height of all structures shall be limited to twenty six feet (26').
      4.   The structure is stepped in levels to conform to the slope of the hill and keep a low profile.
      5.   Except for flashings, roof vents and equipment, the structure shall not use highly reflective finish materials. In the event flashings, roof vents and equipment are used, such shall be painted to match the structure.
      6.   Structure colors shall be consistent with the natural colors of the surrounding geology and vegetation.
      7.   Glass areas are limited so as to avoid highly reflective surfaces which are viewed from public roads. Mirrored glazing is prohibited.
      8.   The structure shall be designed so that the pitch of any roof is generally parallel to the slope upon which it is located.
   K.   Drainage: Development activity shall not cause run-off characteristics of a parcel to be more disruptive to perennial, intermittent and ephemeral streams, land uses or drainage systems, than existed prior to the development activity. The integrity of existing and natural drainage patterns shall be preserved so that:
      1.   The aggregate of development activities will not cause storm drainage and floodwater patterns to exceed the capacity of natural or constructed drainages;
      2.   Other areas are not subjected to increased potential for damage by flood, erosion or sedimentation; and
      3.   Perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams are not contaminated with pollutants in violation of State and/or Federal standards.
   L.   Air Quality: Development shall not contribute significantly to the degradation of air quality in the County, including violation of any applicable State and/or Federal pollution control laws.
   M.   Noise Limits: Non-agriculture development activity shall not generate noise:
      1.   Equal to or exceeding sixty (60) decibels, as measured at the property line of the parcel generating the noise; and
      2.   Which would result in materially adverse impacts relating to the use of the parcel generating the noise, or to adjacent parcels and/or its occupants. (Ord. 865, 6-14-2017)