A.   Height Maximum: Building height maximum shall be as stated in chapter 2 of this title.
   B.   Height Measurement: Height of the perimeter of a structure shall be measured from existing grade or finished grade, whichever measurement is greater. Roof ridges in the center of a structure shall be measured from the roof ridge to the existing grade directly below that point. A facade shall shift at least ten feet (10') from the perimeter of the structure to qualify for existing grade measurement. Roof vents, chimneys, furnace vents, plumbing vents, and antennas are exempt from the height regulations. Window wells, basement stairwells, and patios that do not project more than five feet (5') horizontally from the foundation walls are exempt from the height regulations; in some cases more than five feet (5') may be warranted for egress.
   C.   Height Submission Requirements: The following information shall be shown on plans submitted for building permit consideration:
      1.   Site plans shall show a bench mark elevation that is a fixed point, i.e., manhole cover, top back of curb at property line, or storm grate opening in curb.
      2.   Site plans for residential buildings shall show the height of top of foundation at four (4) separate locations along with garage floor, main living level, and roof ridge elevations in relationship to the bench mark elevation. Site plans for commercial buildings shall show height of top of foundation of at least four (4) corners of the building.
      3.   Site plans shall show existing and finished grades. Existing grade lines shall be depicted by dashed lines. Finished grade lines shall be depicted by solid lines.
      4.   Elevation drawings shall show finished and existing grades. Grade lines shall show how existing and finished grades would strike the building.
      5.   The Director may request more information as needed.
   D.   Certificate Of Elevation: A certificate of elevation prepared by a licensed land surveyor shall be submitted after the foundation has been poured and before framing. The certificate of elevation shall show the same foundation height as shown on the submitted site plan.
(Ord. 708, 12-10-2008; amd. Ord. 730, 12-2-2009)