A. This title will implement a new model for community and neighborhood planning. Its objective is a community development pattern which is based on traditional town planning principles and rural open spaces, not the traditional types of suburban development that has been occurring in past years. This title is intended to ensure that development shall have the following principal characteristics:
1. Compactness and tight development form;
2. Medium densities within principal development pods;
3. Town and resort centers will permit the most intense development areas within the Snyderville Basin; with the sole town center at Kimball's Junction. These centers will permit higher densities because they shall be required to provide appropriate economic enhancements in the form of various tax revenues and fees that are required to help sustain residential development throughout the Snyderville Basin;
4. There may be village centers in the Snyderville Basin; provided, however, the village centers shall meet the following criteria, as well as all other applicable standards and guidelines in this title and the general plan:
a. Villages shall be limited in physical size, a factor which shall help control the amount of development therein.
b. The number of village centers shall initially be limited to those specially designated on the adopted land use plan maps. Village centers designated as "potential" on the adopted land use plan maps may be areas for such development at some point in the future, once it is determined that the patterns of commercial and industrial development adopted in the general plan will produce a balanced community and sustain the residential growth now identified in the general plan and allowed under the provisions of this title. Potential village centers will be considered by the county in the future, if it is determined that approval of such development will not unreasonably alter the community balance required herein.
c. Additional village centers not "specifically" identified on the adopted land use plan maps will require an amendment to the general plan to identify the specific location and size of the center. Such amendments will be allowed when it is determined that the additional village center will not unreasonably affect the desired community balance;
5. A focal point or center, with street edge buildings, mixed uses, gathering places, public buildings and facilities, parks and open spaces;
6. Commercial uses that are of a type and scale that are appropriate for a mountain and resort environment and the specific neighborhood in which they are located;
7. Residential neighborhoods adjacent to and surrounding the community/neighborhood activity center;
8. Pedestrian friendly, but also automobile accessible;
9. Streets and parking lots scaled for typical use, rather than worst case;
10. Civic open spaces within and rural open spaces and lower densities on the edges and beyond;
11. An appropriate system of trails and roads that connect the principal development pods; and
12. The transfer of density from the least desirable development sites to those areas that are most consistent with these principles.
B. This title will serve as a systematic, consistent and comprehensive mechanism to implement the community's vision for the basin, as described in the plan. To accomplish the community's desires, this title hereby establishes rules, regulations and standards that define:
1. An underlying or "initial zoned density" for all lands based on the current use of the property and the unique characteristics of the land;
2. Sound land use planning principles which would be mandatory for all new development; and
3. Community design standards that will ensure that the quality and character of all development and matches the desires of the community and maintains desired service levels. (Ord. 708, 12-10-2008)