A.   The Snyderville Basin general plan (hereinafter referred to as the "general plan") was developed to ensure that the resort and mountain character of the basin is to be embraced and protected, while suburban development patterns, which erode the unique character of the basin, is discouraged and, to the extent possible, prohibited. Additionally, the general plan was developed to ensure that resort and mountain development occurred in harmony with the mountain environment. The development pattern of the Snyderville Basin shall be rural in nature, with low densities of one unit per twenty (20) acres, and up to one unit per ten (10) acres in certain instances, to ensure the rural character. These low rural densities will help to protect the mountain environment.
   B.   Interspersed in the rural environment of the Snyderville Basin, tightly knit, neighbor friendly, town, village and resort centers shall be permitted in designated locations. Each type of center must serve the specific function stated in the general plan and in this title. The character of these centers, particularly the town and village centers, shall be patterned after traditional communities, but each shall be phased to ensure proper growth and concurrency management. These centers shall be designed to maintain and renew a sense of place and foster a feeling of belonging.
   C.   It must be shown that these centers will benefit, not detract from, the general health, safety and welfare of the entire community. Higher density town, village and resort centers can only be achieved through significant contributions to the community at large. The nature of the contributions in order to achieve higher development densities are established in this title. Moreover, there must be a transfer of density from outside of the designated center, where development is less desirable, to the center.
   D.   The intention of the county is to assure the managed, proper and sensitive development of land to protect and enhance these desired qualities and the lifestyle that exists. In adopting the Snyderville Basin development code (hereinafter referred to as "this title"), the county will fully exercise all of the powers granted to it by Utah Code Annotated, title 17 to require, to the extent possible and practical, that all development is consistent with the goals and expectations of the residents. In order to accomplish the stated purpose, this title will:
      1.   Ensure that the quality and character of all development undertaken in the Snyderville Basin will be compatible with the mountain environment and the resort nature of the area.
      2.   Protect the environmentally sensitive nature of the land.
      3.   Promote a community of neighborhoods, where rural open space is interspersed with traditional small town characteristic forms as the dominant patterns of development.
      4.   Provide a new model for community and neighborhood planning, integrating concepts of traditional zoning with incentives offered by the community, which together are intended to allow the creative energies of residents, property owners and developers, along with the county, to achieve our vision of the future, as described in the plan.
      5.   Ensure and maintain balanced community growth, with an appropriate commercial and industrial base to support the general costs associated with residential development.
      6.   Ensure that there is adequate infrastructure and services in place prior to development approval.
      7.   Ensure that development mitigates and pays its fair share of the impacts it creates on the community through an approval process which is equitable to all parties.
      8.   Ensure that individual residential development projects, to the extent reasonable, minimize its impact on the desired community balance. (Ord. 708, 12-10-2008)