The county engineer or road inspector shall from time to time inspect or cause to be inspected, all work done pursuant to permits to ensure the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter. Notification shall be given to the county engineer or road inspector at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the commencement of any work. The completion bond shall not be released without an inspection made to determine satisfaction of all applicable provisions of this chapter.
Driveway encroachments require the following inspections to ensure compliance with the standards set out in this chapter:
   A.   Staking Inspection: A stake or marker shall be placed at each corner of the encroachment as it intersects the road or street, and at each intersection of the driveway as it crosses the right of way or easement line. The front property corners shall also be set and marked with stakes. This inspection is required prior to the encroachment permit being approved. The county engineer's office must receive at least twenty four (24) hours' notice prior to requested inspections.
   B.   Rough Grade Inspection: An inspection of the rough grade driveway is required prior to receiving a footing inspection by the building department. The driveway must be graded to a point that the inspector can determine compliance with this chapter and the development code. The footing elevation/garage floor elevation must be established prior to requesting an inspection. The county engineer's office must receive at least twenty four (24) hours' notice prior to requested inspections.
   C.   Presurfacing Inspection: An inspection of the driveway is required prior to surfacing (soft or hard) the driveway to determine compliance with this chapter and the development code. In no case can a certificate of occupancy be issued without the presurfacing inspection, and the driveway being in compliance with this chapter and the development code. (Ord. 181-D, 5-8-2000)