6-4-1: NO IDLING:
No driver, while operating a vehicle within unincorporated Summit County, shall cause or permit a vehicle's engine to idle for more than one minute, with exceptions for the following circumstances:
   A.   The vehicle is forced to remain motionless on a roadway because of traffic conditions.
   B.   The vehicle is an authorized emergency vehicle used in an emergency situation.
   C.   Vehicle idling is necessary for auxiliary power for law enforcement equipment, fire, emergency and water equipment, refrigeration units, loading and unloading lifts, well drilling, farming, battery charging, or is required for proper functioning of other equipment that is part of the vehicle.
   D.   Vehicle idling is necessary for repair or inspection of the vehicle.
   E.   The health or safety of a driver or passenger, including service animals, requires the vehicle to idle. This exception also includes idling needed to operate window defrosters and other equipment necessary to promote safe driving conditions.
   F.   Vehicle idling is necessary for efficient operations of a turbo charged heavy duty vehicle (e.g., buses) or to operate a vehicle within manufacturer's operating requirements. This includes building air pressure in air brake systems, among other requirements.
Vehicles idling under these exceptions should not violate Utah state code 41-6a-1403, which prohibits the idling of an unattended vehicle.
The primary purpose of this section is to educate the public on the health and environmental consequences of vehicle idling. (Ord. 786-A, 6-3-2015)