As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings stated, unless the context clearly requires some other meaning:
DELIVERY VEHICLES: Shall include any motor vehicle being used for the purpose of loading or delivering goods or cargo to businesses or individuals.
ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL: An enforcement official shall be as defined in section 1-13-2 of this code.
MOTOR VEHICLE: Any automobile, truck, motorcycle, trailer, backhoe, loader or other piece of construction machinery, and every other means of conveyance of persons or cargo included within the Utah motor vehicle code.
PARKING: Stopping, standing or leaving a motor vehicle in a fixed spot or location on a street for any length of time, except when required to stop or stand because of the flow of traffic or to yield to other traffic, or in compliance with the requirements of traffic control devices or law enforcement officials.
STREET: Every street, alley, roadway or parking lot under the control and/or maintenance of Summit County, whether on public or private property. The term "street" shall not include private driveways, parking lots or private roadways. (Ord. 710, 12-17-2008, eff. 1-1-2009; amd. Ord. 911, 8-12-2020)