A.   Reporting Of Estrays And Impounding And Disposal Of Estrays Generally:
      1.   Report Of Estrays: Any person who finds an estray within Summit County shall immediately report it to the division of animal control.
      2.   Impounding And Disposal: Once reported, it is made the responsibility of the division of animal control to take into its possession and impound all estrays found within its jurisdiction and to dispose of the same as hereinafter provided.
         a.   In its discretion, Summit County may contract the responsibilities hereinafter provided with any city, town, or other county with an animal control office.
         b.   If appropriate, the division of animal control may authorize the person in possession of an estray to maintain and care for it pending determination and location of the estray's owner. Said person may be entitled to compensation from Summit County, if the owner is not found, or from the owner if he/she is found, for the reasonable costs of feeding and maintaining the animal. Compensation for these costs shall not be given for the time prior to notifying the division of animal control of the estray.
      3.   Records: The division of animal control shall maintain a record of estrays kept similar to the record kept for impounded animals as set forth in section 5-1-18 of this chapter.
   B.   Notice Of Sale Of Estrays:
      1.   Upon taking physical possession of an estray, the division of animal control shall attempt to determine the name and location of the estray's owner. If the owner cannot be located within five (5) days after taking possession of the estray, the estray shall be sold at a livestock or other appropriate market. However, the division of animal control may employ a veterinarian to euthanize an estray if the veterinarian determines that the estray's physical condition prevents the estray from being sold. If at any time before the sale of any estrays, such animals shall be claimed and proved to be the property of any person, the director of animal control shall deliver them to the owner upon receiving from the owner the cost of impounding, keeping and advertising the same.
      2.   The division of animal control shall publish notice of the sale of an estray at least once ten (10) days before the date of sale in a newspaper having general circulation in the county. The notice herein provided for shall contain a description of the animals, including all markings and brands, when taken, and the day, hour, and place of sale.
   C.   At Large Domesticated Animals: It is unlawful for the owner of any domesticated animal to allow such to be "at large", defined herein as not under the control of its owner. "Domesticated animals" as used in this section shall include, but is not limited to, animals such as horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, etc. (Ord. 832, 11-12-2014)



1. The estray provisions are pursuant to Utah Code Annotated § 4-25-1 et seq., as amended.