A municipal Planning and Zoning Commission, officially known as the Summersville Planning Commission, is hereby established and created to advise the City Recorder of the administration of the provisions of this Ordinance. It shall consist of five residents of the City of Summersville, all of whom shall be taxpayers and residents within said City, and appointed by the City Council. The first members shall be appointed for terms of one, two and three years, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled by the City Council for the unexpired term only. Members may be removed for cause by the Council, upon written charges and after a public hearing.
The Commission shall elect one of its members as Chairman and shall adopt its own rules of procedure. The duties of the Commission shall be to advise the Mayor and City Council in the administration of this Ordinance, and to prepare and submit plans for the development of the whole or any part of the City of Summersville, which, in the opinion of the Commission bears relation to the present and future planning of the City. Such plans shall include recommendations for new streets and alleys, extensions of existing streets and alleys, and all other public areas and public improvements. All such plans, when approved by the Commission, shall be submitted to the Mayor and City Council for consideration and appropriate action, and no final action shall be taken by the City Council until a plan or proposal has been submitted to the Commission for an investigation and report. The Commission shall have such additional powers as may be given it by the City Council. (Ord. 9-3-68.)