1315.02 GENERAL.
   (a)    The Commission shall not approve any subdivision plan except in conformance with the provisions of these Subdivision Standards.
   (b)    The Commission may alter any subdivision plan, specify alterations, changes, or modifications therein which it deems necessary and may make its approval subject to such alterations, changes or modifications.
   (c)    No road, street, alley, or related improvement shall be accepted as a part of the street system of the City for maintenance unless opened, laid out, graded, and improved in strict accordance with the provisions of these Subdivision Standards.
   (d)    The Commission may approve a plat for a subdivision in which the improvements and installation have not been completed as required by the Subdivision Standards if the applicant provides a performance bond either:
      (1)    In an amount determined by the Commission to be sufficient to complete the improvements and installations in compliance with these Subdivision Standards; or
      (2)    In the form of a combination minimum bond and first mortgage removable from each lot through payment of a prorated share of the improvements prior to the sale of said lot; or
      (3)    With surety satisfactory to the Commission; or
      (4)    The applicant specifies the time for the completion of the improvements and installations.
   These bonds shall be forfeited if said applicant has not completed improvements or installations within the prescribed time and in accordance with the appropriate standards and specifications.
   Any funds received from these bonds shall be used by the legally constituted body charged with making public improvement for the City only for completion of the improvements and installations for which they were provided, and without prior appropriation. The City is authorized to make these improvements and installations.
(Ord. 9-3-68.)