(a)    Application. On reaching conclusions as recommended in the pre-application regarding the general program and objectives, the subdivider shall prepare and submit to the Secretary of the Commission at least ten (10) days prior to the regular monthly meeting of the Commission, two (2) copies of the preliminary plans of the total land to be ultimately developed for review by the Commission according to the requirements and standards contained herein.
   (b)    Commission Review. The Commission shall review the plan submitted covering the requirements of these Subdivision Standards point-by-point, and shall consult with the City Engineer and officials of any other department or authority concerned.
   (c)    Commission Action. The Commission shall notify the subdivider of the scheduled place, date, time and agenda of the meeting at which the subdivision is to be reviewed. The Commission shall act on the preliminary plan stating its approval, conditional approval, or disapproval, giving reasons for each, and may authorize in writing submission of a final plan for approval.
   (d)    Nature of Approval. Approval of a preliminary plan shall not constitute approval of a final plan, but rather an expression of approval of the layout submitted on the preliminary plan as guide to the preparation of the final plan.
   (e)    Disposition of Plans. The Commission shall retain one (1) copy of the preliminary plan and return the other to the subdivider. (Ord. 9-3-68.)