Previous to the filing of an application for conditional approval of a preliminary subdivision plan, the subdivider shall submit the following plans and data to the Commission:
(a) General Information: Written description of existing covenants, land characteristics, community facilities and utilities, the number of lots and size, price range, business area, playground and proposed protective covenants, utilities and street improvements. .
(b) Location Map: Map shall show relationship of the proposed subdivision to existing community facilities which serve or influence it and shall include development name, location, title, scale, north arrow and date.
(c) Sketch Plan: Sketch Plan on a topographic map shall show in simple sketch form the proposed layout of streets, lots and other features in relation to existing conditions and may be drawn free hand. The plan shall include all topographic data the Commission deems necessary for its consideration of the plan.
It will be advised to the subdivider during the submission of the sketch plat, that proper meetings should be held with the Planning Commission to avail himself of the advice and assistance of the Commission to save time and money, and to take advantage of this period of consultation. Similar meetings should be held by the subdivider with potentially interested partners or ultimate users of the development such as lending and mortgage insurance institutions, in order to reach a firm understanding of market demand, suitability of the location, street and lot arrangement and other physical and economic features of development.
After review and discussion with the subdivider, the Commission shall indicate the suitability of the plan for development into preliminary plans.
(Ord. 9-3-68.)