Hunting within the corporate limits of the City is expressly prohibited except as may hereinafter be provided by this section.
   (a)    Limited bow hunting within the corporate limits of the City is authorized by permit only. Hunters must register with the City and obtain a permit and a copy of all rules and regulations governing such hunts within the City limits. Further, in addition to the permit issued by the City, individuals wishing to hunt under the provisions of this section must also obtain a crop damage permit from the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources.
   (b)    Hunting under special permit as provided herein is for deer only.
   (c)    Only legal bows and arrows may be used after first obtaining a permit.
   (d)    Hunters must possess a valid West Virginia Hunting License and must have completed the National Bowhunter education course to be eligible to hunt under the provisions of this section and state licensing requirements.
   (e)    Hunting is not allowed on Sundays.
   (f)    Hunting is allowed only with written permission from the property owner which must remain in the hunter's possession while on such property.
   (g)    No hunting shall be permitted within three hundred (300) feet of a dwelling, school, park, church, recreational or shopping area.
   (h)    The number of deer to be killed by each hunter is as set forth by the hunting rules and regulations in special regulations for urban hunts as established by the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources. A hunter may not kill an antlered buck until he has first killed an antlerless deer within the City limits and legally checked the deer at an official game checking station. He may then hunt an antlered buck with his second permit or license if one is available to the hunter.
   (i)    All deer killed must be legally checked at an official game checking station and reported to the City within forty-eight (48) hours.
   (j)    All West Virginia Hunting Rules and Regulations are applicable.
   (k)    The City may charge an administration fee for permits to cover costs of the program. (Ord. 4-14-03)