COS cell phones are to be used for business only. COS cell phones are not to be used in ways that are disruptive to the workplace.
Proper and professional phone etiquette is expected on each and every cell-phone call. Use and access to the COS cell phones is restricted and limited to employees or such other persons as the COS may authorize.
Cell phones shall not be used to engage in any communication containing ethnic slurs, racial epithets, or anything that may be construed as offensive, harassing, or disparaging to others based on their race, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability, or any other protected status. Employees are expected to follow all applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and policies relating to the use of cell phones.
The COS reserves the right to monitor the use of any agency-issued cell phone for possible misuse.
The COS assumes no responsibility and will assume no liability for an employee's misuse of these phones. However, it does reserve the right to terminate an employee immediately for improper use of a City cell phone. Use of City cell phones can be taken away at any time deemed appropriate by management. City cell phones are to be turned in immediately following resignation, termination, or layoff from employment.
Personal use of cell phones is prohibited during working hours. This includes employees using their cell phones to engage in e-mail, photography, video recordings, tapings, and text messages.