All COS computer and electronic communication systems (i.e., computers, email, voice mail, Internet, intranet, telephones, cell phones, text messaging, fax machines, cameras, video systems, wire services, etc.) are COS property and can be used only for work-related purposes. Further, all information transmitted by, received from, or stored in such computer and electronic communication system is COS property.
All COS computer and electronic communication systems are provided to assist employees with performing their job duties. Therefore, employees have no expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, send, or receive on any COS computer or electronic communication system.
Employees using the COS computer or electronic communication systems are not to waste these resources. This includes, but is not limited to, sending mass mailings or chain letters, playing games, "surfing the net," engaging in online chat groups, unnecessarily printing multiple copies of documents, or otherwise creating unnecessary networking traffic. Employees are not to use any COS computer or electronic communication system to access Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, or any other personal social networking or communication page or account.
The COS recognizes that participation in some forums may be necessary in the performance of an employee's job. For example, employees may find answers to technical problems by consulting members of a news group devoted to that technical area. Participation in such online forums must be for work only.
The COS retains the right to monitor all aspects of its computer and electronic communication systems including, but not limited to, monitoring sites visited by employees on the Internet, monitoring chat and news groups, reviewing material downloaded or uploaded by Internet users, reviewing e-mails sent or received by users, and reviewing voice mail and text messages. The COS expressly retains the right to monitor, retrieve, and delete anything stored, created, received, or sent through its computer or electronic media systems without seeking the permission of the employee.
Employees are not to use a code, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication unless specifically authorized to do so. No unauthorized software or application is to be loaded onto any COS computer or electronic communication system. Further, employees should not attempt to gain access to another employee's e-mail, Internet, or voice mail/text message files without the latter's express permission.
Employees can only use encryption software supplied to them by the system administrator for purposes of safeguarding sensitive or confidential business information. Employees who use encryption on files stored in a COS computer must provide their supervisor with a sealed hard copy record (to be retained in a secured location) of all passwords and/or encryption keys necessary to access the files.
The COS computer and electronic communication systems are not to be used in any way that is disruptive or offensive to others, or in ways that could be harmful to workplace morale. Further, there is to be no display or transmission of sexually explicit images, messages or cartoons, or any transmission or use of such communications containing ethnic slurs, racial epithets, or anything that may be construed as offensive, harassing, or disparaging to others based on their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, veteran status, or any other status protected by law.
The COS computer and electronic communication systems are not to be used to solicit others for commercial purposes, religious and political causes, or for any other solicitations that are not work-related.
No employee may use COS facilities or computer and electronic communication systems to knowingly download or distribute pirated software or data. Any software or files downloaded via COS computer or electronic communication systems may only be used in ways that are consistent with their licenses or copyrights.
The COS computer and electronic communication systems must not be used to knowingly violate the laws and regulations of the United States or the laws and regulations of any state, city, province, or local jurisdiction in any material way. Further, these computer and electronic communication systems must not be used to inappropriately disclose any information that is confidential or proprietary to the COS or to any third party that has disclosed information to the COS.
Any employee using the COS computer or electronic communication systems shall identify themselves honestly, accurately, and completely when corresponding or participating in interactive activities.
The COS assumes no responsibility or liability for an employee's misuse of its computer or electronic communication systems. However, the COS reserves the right to immediately terminate any employee for improper use of such computer or electronic communication systems. Nothing in this policy is intended to prohibit or inhibit employees from discussing terms and conditions of employment under the concerted activity protections of the National Labor Relations Act. However, the COS has established certain limitations regarding the use of any multi-media, social networking websites, blogs, or other forms of social media, regardless of whether such use is for personal or professional use. With that in mind, employees are hereby notified that:
1. Internet or electronic postings must not inappropriately disclose any information that is confidential or proprietary to the COS to any third party that has disclosed information to the COS.
2. If an employee comments on any aspect of the COS business, they must clearly identify themselves as an employee and include a disclaimer such as "the views expressed are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the COS.
3. Internet or electronic postings should not include any COS logos or trademarks without the permission of the COS;
4. Internet or electronic postings must respect all applicable laws;
5. Employees should neither claim nor imply that they are speaking on behalf of the COS unless specifically authorized to do so;
6. Employees are expected to conduct themselves with appropriate professionalism. For example, never write anything you would not say out loud to all the parties involved;
7. Employees should avoid providing personal information on the COS sites.
Any employee who believes he or she may have witnessed or discovered a violation of this policy must immediately report the matter to their immediate Supervisor or the Mayor. Further, employees are hereby reminded that any violation of this policy may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination from employment.
Violations of this policy may in some instances lead to legal action and criminal liability.