Good employee-employer relationships can only exist if employees believe they have been treated equitably and fairly within management policies, procedures and actions that influence this relationship. It is recognized that there are occasions when honest differences of opinion can occur regarding the interpretation and application of policies, procedures and actions.
   The following procedure is established to provide an effective and acceptable means for employees to bring problems and complaints to the attention of management.
   •   Step 1 - Employee discusses the complaint or problem with their immediate supervisor. It is expected that every effort will be made to resolve the complaint in a fair and amicable manner at this level.
   •   Step 2 - If the employee is not satisfied with this attempt to resolve the complaint or a response (written or oral) is not received within ten (10) working days, the employee may discuss the matter with the HR Department.
   •   Step 3 - If the problem still has not been resolved to the employee's satisfaction within another ten (10) days at the second level, a formal written complaint may be directed to the Mayor. A determination by the Mayor is final.
   It is understood that any employee who elects to use this procedure will be treated courteously and that the case will be handled confidentially at all times. An employee will not be subject to discourteous action or reproach in any form due to use of this procedure, unless investigation reveals the employee falsified or misrepresented the facts leading to the complaint.
   A complaint documentation file will not become part of an employee's regular personnel file. Complaint documentation will be maintained in a separate file and used only as a basis for recommending changes in management procedures.
   Only those members of management with a need to know and who are in the employee's chain of command may have access to complaint procedure documentation.