This policy is designed to bring problem solutions to light and identify corrective action. The COS has designed the following steps in addressing conduct or performance problems. These steps, however, are not binding on the City and immediate action in the form of written notice, probation, final warning or termination from employment can be taken at the City's sole discretion and option at any time.
(a) Discussion: The immediate supervisor may meet with the employee to review any problems in performance or conduct. All issues will be attempted to be resolved at this level.
(b) Written Notice: Will address a repeated problem in conduct or performance. Corrective action will be addressed and a time frame for correction established. This written notice will be forwarded to the HR Department for the employee's file.
(c) Probation: This action will be taken in writing to address major violations of performance, conduct or policy. This period of probation shall not exceed ninety (90) days and must clearly state the corrective action expected of the employee. This written notice will be signed by the supervisor and the employee and maintained in the HR Department. If, while on probation, the employee fails to show satisfactory improvement within a reasonable period of time, termination from employment may result.
(d) Termination from employment: When the employee fails to meet the standards as established in the discipline process, or is in flagrant disregard of policies and procedures, involuntary termination may be affected immediately.
(e) Demotion: An employee may be demoted for inefficiency, or a failure to satisfactorily perform assigned duties, to a position for which he or she meets the minimum requirements. Rate of compensation will be commensurate with the job assignment.