139.23 SICK LEAVE.
   Paid sick leave is provided to all eligible full-time employees. The maximum accumulation is four hundred eighty (480) hours.
   COS shall provide graduated paid sick leave time to eligible employees based upon their most recent length of service with the City. Earned sick leave credits for employees shall be calculated for eligible employees according to the following table:
Years of Service
Sick leave credit hours per month
0 but less than 2   
4 hours
2 but less than 5
6 hours
5 but less than 10   
8 hours
10 but less than 15
10 hours
15 and greater   
12 hours
   Accrued sick leave may be allowed under the following circumstances:
   •   Illness of employee
   •   Illness in immediate family of employee
   •   Routine medical, dental or vision care appointment
   •   Non-occupational injury
   •   Pregnancy
   •   Quarantine
   If an employee is sick he or she must call in and notify his department supervisor within thirty (30) minutes of the start of the workday missed. Sick leave after two (2) days requires an attending physician's statement of condition and limitation before returning to work, however, COS may require an attending physician's statement of condition and limitation at any time during a medical absence. Employees returning to work without the attending physician's statement of condition and limitation will automatically be charged with a vacation day if available, and if not available the employee will be charged leave without pay.
   Sick leave can be used until the employee becomes eligible for disability income insurance, worker's compensation or other income maintenance device that is the direct result of City employment. Abuse or excessive use of sick leave is considered gross misconduct and will be grounds for termination from employment. Sick leave or vacation time may also be used to supplement disability insurance as defined in separate disability policy.
   Employees shall receive no monetary compensation for accrued but unused sick leave.
Accrued sick leave may not be appended or added to vacation or holidays to extend such periods.