For the purpose of this section, salvage yards within the City of Summersville shall comply with the following requirements;
(a) Amendments to this section may need adjusted from time to time by City Council.
(b) Vehicle Fluids such as fuel, oil, anti-freeze, brake fluid, grease, wiper fluid, transmission fluid, old batteries, mercury switches or other hazardous chemicals, cleaners or degreaser shall be properly drained, stored in appropriate containers and lawfully disposed of as to not create contamination of the soil or cause pollution to streams.
(c) Used Salvage Parts (Vehicle Fluids Not Drained) such as used motors, front or rear ends, transmissions or transfer cases or other parts stored with fluids not drained shall be stored within an enclosed building or shed in a manner as to not create contamination to the soil such as on a concrete floor or other non-absorbent surface to prevent spills or leaks.
(d) Buildings and Equipment shall be properly constructed, and inspected to all applicable fire, building codes and work place safety standards. The premises shall be maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition at all times.
(e) Business Hours, Nuisances. To reduce noise, vehicle activity, and other nuisance to surrounding property owners, business operating hours shall be limited to 8:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. Monday- Friday, 9:00am to 2:00 pm on Saturday and Closed on Sundays.
(t) Salvage Trucking shall not exceed 10 miles per hour to keep airborne dust to a minimum. Road dust shall be controlled by approved methods. Roads shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Jake braking shall be prohibited. Truck tires shall be cleaned if muddy to prevent scattered mud off adjoining roads. Parking shall be in accordance with City Code Article 1381 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements.
(g) Surety performance bonding may be required in the amount designated necessary by City Council to cover the construction and /or operation cost. Council may have the right to waive this requirement.
(Ord. 7-25-16.)