(a)   Duty to Amend Registration Statement. If the status of the registration information changes during the course of any calendar year, it is the responsibility of the owner, responsible party or agent for the same, to contact the Building Inspector within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of such change and advise the Building Inspector in writing of those changes.
   (b)   Exceptions.   This section shall not apply to any building owned by the United States, the State of West Virginia, the City of Summersville, or any of their respective agencies or political subdivisions.
   (c)   Violations and Penalties for Failure to Register. The failure or refusal for any reason, of any owner, or agent of an owner acting on behalf of the owner, to register a vacant building upon adoption of this article or to pay any fees required to be paid pursuant to the provisions of this section, within 30 days after they become due, shall constitute a violation punishable upon conviction thereof by a fine in the amount of not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00 for each failure or refusal to pay a required vacant building fee, as applicable. In such cases, whenever the minimum fine of $100.00 is imposed, it shall not be subject to suspension or reduction for any reason.
(Passed 3-25-14)