(A)   General. Minimum requirements for improvements and design are not subject to modification by the procedure outlined in § 155.159. Projects that exceed the minimum requirements are encouraged.
   (B)   Area regulations.
      (1)   Front, side, and rear setbacks and lot width and size are governed by the minimum requirements for parking and open space as described per divisions (C) and (F) below.
      (2)   Height restrictions are as follows:
         (a)   Commercial uses: five stories or 60 feet;
         (b)   Residential uses: five stories or 60 feet; and
         (c)   All other uses: five stories or 60 feet.
   (C)   Parking. For individual uses or approved as a comprehensive parking plan for integrated uses or for the overall development.
   (D)   Lighting. All lighting shall be fully shielded, 85% full cut-off fixtures.
   (E)   Signs. As regulated for individual uses, or approved as a comprehensive signage plan for the overall development when evaluated as a whole, all illuminated signage shall be down-lighted or back-lighted;
   (F)   Open space.
      (1)   Common open space. A minimum total area of 10% of the land included in the application shall be comprised of common open space, which shall be used for amenity or active or passive recreational use. Open space containing natural features may be left unimproved. Designated amenities including parks, playgrounds, and the like shall be installed immediately or bonded.
      (2)   Individual lot open space. Commercial: 20%; all other uses: 30%.
   (G)   Landscaping.
      (1)   Each application shall include a comprehensive landscaping plan showing the location and species of all plant materials and an irrigation plan, meeting the minimum requirements of the §§ 155.295 through 155.304.
      (2)   Additional requirements in the form of berms, open yard buffer areas, landscape islands, and live and/or constructed screening are encouraged and may be imposed as conditions of landscape plan approval.
   (H)   Transportation system. Each application shall include a transportation plan showing points of ingress and egress, circulation pattern, and integration with the system to which it relates.
      (1)   All streets, sidewalks, pedestrian ways, and rights-of-way to be dedicated to the city shall conform to the minimum requirements of the regulations of the city’s ordinances, as adopted and in effect when the plan is approved.
      (2)   All streets, sidewalks, pedestrian ways, and rights-of-way to remain private shall be subject to approval as part of the overall development plan.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2011, § 2.24.040)