(A) The Building Inspector, upon receiving said application and fee, shall examine the same. If the application is completed, the proper fee is paid, and the proposed land disturbance conforms to the ordinances and laws of this city, she or he shall issue a grading permit to the applicant, which shall entitle the applicant to proceed with the land disturbance.
(B) If the Building Inspector, upon examination of the application, finds that the application is not complete, or other information is necessary before a decision can be rendered thereon, the Building Inspector may request the additional information from the applicant without the necessity of obtaining a new application or fee.
(C) (1) If the Building Inspector finds that the land disturbance applied for does not conform to the city’s ordinances or the state’s laws, she or he shall reject the application by noting that fact upon the application and returning one copy of the application to the applicant.
(2) The other copy of the application shall be retained in the files of the Building Inspector.