§ 151.050 LAYOUT PLANS.
   (A)   The following information is required on a layout plan:
      (1)   A title showing the proposed name of the subdivision and the current legal description and location of the land proposed for subdivision;
      (2)   A scaled drawing of the proposed subdivision showing the location of lots, streets, and public areas;
      (3)   A north arrow, scale, creation date, and legend;
      (4)   A vicinity sketch showing the proposed subdivision in relation to surrounding development (this sketch may be on a separate eight and one-half by 11-inch sheet); and
      (5)   The proposed names of subdivision streets and the widths of their rights-of-way.
   (B)   The subdivider is encouraged to provide additional information to support the layout plan application.
(Ord. #115, passed 2-16-2017)