(A) Outdoor furnaces shall not be placed less than 40 feet from the nearest point of intersection of any other adjacent property owner’s structure and shall have a chimney stack of at least 20 feet and/or at least two feet above the roof line of the highest structure within 200 feet, when installed. Said chimney stack shall also have a spark arrester installed on top.
(B) Outdoor furnaces shall not be placed less than 20 feet from the nearest point of intersection of the property line of another property owner.
(C) An area of 20 feet around the outdoor furnace structure shall be free of vegetation, except grass not exceeding four inches in height.
(D) The minimum required lot size for an outdoor furnace is 40,000 square feet.
(E) No other fuel other than natural wood without additive, wood pellets without additive, and agricultural seeds in their natural state may be burned. Processed wood products and other non-wood products, recyclable material, plastics, rubber, paper products, garbage, and painted or treated wood are prohibited.
(F) Furnaces are prohibited to burn between May 1 and September 30.
(G) Outdoor furnaces which are designed to heat structures that are 10% greater than the size of the structure(s) to be heated are not permitted.
(H) Outdoor furnaces and associated installation shall be subject to inspection by the zoning enforcement officer and building codes enforcement officer at any reasonable time to assure compliance of terms hereof.
(I) Outdoor furnace installation is subject to the permit provisions of the zoning and building code ordinances, including furnishing the following information:
(1) A drawing providing and identifying all of the information necessary to assure compliance herewith, including property lines, location of the neighboring properties and structures, height of nearby buildings, and the like;
(2) Manufacturer’s specifications for the outdoor furnace; and
(3) Compliance with all applicable state and federal statutes, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) listing.
(J) Nothing contained herein shall authorize any installation that is a public or private nuisance, regardless of compliance herewith.
(K) This subchapter shall not be a defense to any civil claims.
(Ord. 2-2007, passed 6-12-2007) Penalty, see § 94.99