(A) From and after passage of this chapter, the borough and/or a representative of the vector control program is empowered to make periodic inspections of the interior and exterior of all dwellings, buildings, structures, and accessory structures, premises, collections of water, or any other place to determine full compliance with this chapter, and to determine evidence of vector infestation and the need for vector-proofing or additions or repairs to existing vector-proofing.
(B) Whenever it shall be determined by the Borough Council that any dwelling, building, structure, accessory structure, premises, collection of water, or any other place is in violation of this chapter, a notice shall be issued setting forth the alleged violation(s), and advising the owner, occupant, operator, or agent that such violation(s) must be corrected. The time for the correction of said violation(s) must be given as well as the necessary methods to be employed in the correction.
(C) Whenever any violation(s) shall fail to be corrected within the time set forth, and an extension of time is not deemed to be necessary, the borough may proceed to abate the violation(s) in the manner provided by law.
(D) The owner shall have the right to appeal from said determination by a hearing in accordance with § 91.053.
(Ord. 1-2006, passed 1-2-2006)