(A) A program plan and specifications for private vector control programs shall be required to be submitted by the owner to the borough upon determination of the necessity by the Police Department or codes enforcement officer. Said determination shall be served on the owner personally or by certified mail. Within ten days of said service, the owner may contest the necessity of the program by requesting a hearing to be conducted in accordance with § 91.053. Said program plan shall be submitted by the owner to the Borough Council within 30 days of notice.
(B) The program plan shall state the type of vectors to be controlled, the name of the company contracted to carry out the program, if any, and any and all work to be conducted in an effort to control said vectors. The Police Department or codes enforcement officer shall review the program plan. If the plan is found to be inadequate or incomplete, additional information may be required as well as additional control methods. The owner may request a hearing on the determination in accordance with § 91.053.
(Ord. 1-2006, passed 1-2-2006)