For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ACCESSORY STRUCTURE. A detached structure which is not used or not intended to be used for living or sleeping by human occupants and which is located on or partially on any premises.
BREEDING AREA. Any condition which provides the necessary environment for the birth or hatching of vectors.
COLLECTION OF WATER. Water contained in ditches, pools, ponds, streams, excavations, holes, depressions, open cesspools, privy vaults, fountains, cisterns, tanks, shallow wells, barrels, troughs, urns, cans, boxes, bottles, tubs, buckets, roof gutters, tanks of flush closets, reservoirs, vessels, receptacles of any kind, or other containers or devices which may hold water.
COVERED RECEPTACLE. A container of metal, wood, heavy-duty plastic, or synthetic material of solid construction, with a tight-fitting cover secured against wind and leakage.
DEP. Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
DILAPIDATED. Fallen into partial ruin or decay.
DISPOSAL. Storage, collection, disposal, or handling of refuse.
EXTERMINATION. The control and elimination of vectors by eliminating their harborage places; by removing or making inaccessible materials that may serve as their food; by poisoning, spraying, fumigating, fogging, larviciding, trapping, or by any other recognized and legal vector control elimination methods approved by the local or state authority having such administrative authority.
GARBAGE. All animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, or consumption of food.
HARBORAGE. Any place where vectors can live, nest, or seek shelter.
OCCUPANT. Any person, over one year of age, living, sleeping, cooking, or eating in or actually having possession of a dwelling unit or a rooming unit. In dwelling units, a guest will be considered an OCCUPANT.
OWNER. Any person who, alone or jointly or severally with others, shall have:
(1) Legal title to any premises, dwelling, or dwelling unit, with or without accompanying actual possession thereof; or
(2) Charge, care, or control of any premises, dwelling, or dwelling unit, as owner or agent of the owner, or an executor, administrator, trustee, or guardian of the estate of the owner. Any such person thus representing the actual owner shall be bound to comply with the provisions of this chapter and of the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, to the same extent as if he or she were the owner.
PERSON. Any natural person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation.
REFUSE. All solid wastes, except human body wastes, and including handling of refuse.
RUBBISH. Glass, metal, paper, plant growth, wood, or non-putrescible solid wastes.
VECTOR. A rodent, arthropod, or insect capable of transmitting a disease or infection, including but not limited to rats, mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, and ticks.
VECTOR PROOFING. A form of construction to prevent ingress or egress of vectors to or from a given space or building or gaining access to food, water, or harborage, including, but not limited to, rat-proofing and mosquito-proofing.
(Ord. 1-2006, passed 1-2-2006)