(A) No person, firm, or corporation, without special permission of the Borough Council, as hereinafter provided, shall harbor or keep any livestock or fowls at any place within the borough. LIVESTOCK, as used in this section, shall include horses, donkeys, mules, ponies, cattle, sheep, pigs, hogs, llamas, and alpacas. Permission to keep or harbor livestock or fowls may be granted by the Borough Council, at its discretion, in special cases where the Council considers that the keeping or harboring of such animals or fowls is not likely to become a source of annoyance to anyone in the borough or a health hazard. Such permission may be granted upon conditions prescribed by the Council, such conditions to include such matters as:
(1) Limitation of the number and kind of animals or fowls to be kept or harbored on the premises;
(2) The type of shelter or pen to be provided and the location thereof;
(3) Sanitary standards to be adhered to; and
(4) Any other factors deemed pertinent by the Council.
(B) At any time, with or without cause, the Council may revoke a permission granted under this section, and within 30 to 60 days after such revocation, the person, firm, or corporation previously keeping or harboring any livestock or fowls under the permission thereby revoked shall cease to keep or harbor such livestock or fowls at any place within the borough.
(Ord. 5-2004, passed 10-12-2004)