(A)   In the case of any proposed plat or survey of a lot or lots of land is presented to the Zoning Administrator for the town, the Zoning Administrator may review and give his or her endorsement of approval thereon provided the following requirements are met:
      (1)   The plat or survey is a re-survey of an existing lot or lots and does not create a subdivision or re-subdivision of land and no significant lot line changes are shown;
      (2)   The plat or survey is prepared by a surveyor licensed by the State of South Carolina and has placed his or her certification thereon;
      (3)   The appropriate tax map numbers are placed on the adjacent property, and any adjacent rights-of-way are designated;
      (4)   Each lot sold, platted or surveyed shall show and designate the street address, the lot number, tax map identification number and all metes, bounds, courses and distances;
      (5)   All marsh lands are shown and designated and, in the event the DHEC/OCRM critical line within any lot boundary, the critical line shall be so designated; and
      (6)   The survey has such notes and conditions as required by the Zoning Administrator.
   (B)   The Zoning Administrator’s endorsement of approval shall be made with the notation that his or her plat or survey is exempt from the subdivision regulation and is hereby approved.
(Prior Code, § 17-11) (Ord. passed 9-15-2009)
Statutory reference:
   State requirements, see S.C. Code § 5-23-190