Sec. 21-69. Erosion control structures in RC Area Districts.
   A.   No fill material, seawalls, jetties, bulkheads, revetments, groins, breakwaters, boardwalks, fences, or other erosion control structures shall be constructed, erected, or placed within the RC-1 Area District or the RC-2 Area District, except as provided in herein, without Town permission and permission of other agencies as appropriate.
   B.   Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the Town or other property owners from repairing groins, seawalls, bulkheads, revetments or other erosion control structures, provided permission for such repairs is obtained from the OCRM and the Town, where applicable.
   C.   It shall be the responsibility of property owners to furnish by August 1, 1999, the Town with plans or other information pertaining to erosion control structure location, elevation, and construction materials.
   D.   For the purpose of this Zoning Ordinance, repair of erosion control structures shall not be allowed when such structures are determined by the Town to be damaged fifty (50%) percent or more. The Town shall make the damage determination using procedures developed and adopted by OCRM.
   E.   Erosion control structures damaged less than fifty (50%) percent may be repaired in place, provided such repairs comply with all Town and OCRM repair regulations. The Town shall make the damage determination using procedures developed and adopted by OCRM. In the event that Town and OCRM repair regulations are in conflict, the more restrictive shall apply.
   F.   Damaged erosion control structures shall not be enlarged, strengthened beyond pre-damage condition or rebuilt during permitted repairs. Repairs shall be made with materials similar to those of the existing erosion control structure. However, in the event that an adjacent erosion control structure is destroyed and is not permitted to be repaired, a property owner shall be allowed to construct a wing wall, provided permission is obtained from the OCRM and Town.
   G.   The Town may require as a condition of erosion control structure repair that the property owner renourish the beach seaward of the erosion control structure on an annual basis with two (2) cubic yards of sand per foot of structure length as measured along the shoreline. This condition shall remain in effect as long as the erosion control structure remains in place and exposed, in whole or in part. Renourishment sand shall come from an upland source and shall be approved by the OCRM as beach-compatible. The timing and location of renourishment sand placement shall be governed by Town and OCRM regulations.