(A)   The Town Clerk shall give members of Council notice of all meetings thereof. He or she shall attend all Council meetings and keep a permanent record of all proceedings. On behalf of Council, he or she shall receive and deliver all petitions, motions, information, applications and communications, and shall make all communications that the Town Council shall direct.
   (B)   The Clerk shall be the custodian of the official copies of all ordinances and indexes and codification thereof, which shall be available for public inspections at the Town Hall at reasonable times.
   (C)   The Clerk shall be the custodian of the titles and deeds of town-owned property, bonds, insurance policies and financial records of the town.
   (D)   The Clerk shall receive all monies due or coming to the town, deposit the same as shall be directed by Town Council or any committee acting under its authority, and shall pay out monies only as directed in like manner.
   (E)   The Clerk shall keep a current account of all monies, accounts and inventories of town property, real and personal, and render reports thereon as directed by Town Council. He or she shall issue all licenses and badges for which provision may be made and shall safeguard the stock of unissued licenses and badges.
   (F)   The Clerk shall sign or countersign all purchase orders after assuring that the necessary funds therefor have been budgeted by Town Council.
   (G)   The Clerk also shall perform such other duties and services in connection with the foregoing duties and relative thereto or connected therewith as shall from time to time be prescribed the Town Council.
(Prior Code, § 2-41)