(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to make connections with the public sewer in any other manner and with any other material than is provided in this section. Every pipe connecting with the public sewers from a point four feet out of the foundation walls or piers of the building shall be strong, sound and impervious in all its parts shall be solidly laid on a true grade, which grade shall be not less than one foot in 100 feet, without the written permission of the Committee on Water and Sewers. All lines shall be laid as nearly as possible in a straight line.
   (B)   In ditches where the bottom is unsafe from any cause, the grade shall be made secure by planking, concrete or other means to the satisfaction of the Committee on Water and Sewers or by the use of cast iron fibre pipe of satisfactory quality, as specified in the Standard Plumbing Code adopted by Town Council. All lines shall be jointed in the best manner and covered at least to a depth of one foot with well-rammed earth entirely free from stones and rubbish. All lines of less than one foot shall be of cast iron with well caulked lead joints. If water pipe is laid in the sewer connection trench, it shall be laid well to one side and above the sewer.
   (C)   All lines connected with the public sewer shall be four inches in diameter, except that six-inch lines may be laid in private property where there is not less than ten feet to the closet or slop sink and where there are a number of houses on one lot, and subject in all cases to approval by the Committee on Water and Sewers.
(Prior Code, § 18-12) (Ord. passed 12-3-1969) Penalty, see § 10.99