(A)   Number of spaces. Off-street automobile storage or parking space shall be provided on every lot on which any of the following uses are hereafter established. The number of parking spaces provided shall be at least as great as the number specified below for various uses. Each space shall be provided with vehicular access to a street or alley and shall be provided with a minimum of 28 linear feet space for turning so that no vehicle shall be required to back into the street except from space used for single dwellings.
Required Parking
Required Parking
Any residential use consisting up to four dwelling units
Two spaces for each dwelling unit not including the driveway
Churches and places of worship
One space for each four seats
Golf and snow ski areas
One space for every four customers using the facilities on any given day
Multi-family structure containing more than four swelling units, including condominiums
Two spaces for each dwelling unit
One space for each three seating accommodations plus one space for each two employees on shift of greatest employment
Retail stores and shops including barber and shoe and similar service outlets
One space for each 200 feet of gross floor space
Tourists courts, hotels, motels, and inns
One space for accommodation, plus one space for each two employees
   (B)   Location on other property. If the required automobile parking spaces cannot reasonably be provided on the same lot on which the principal use in conducted, such spaces may be provided on other off-street property provided such property lies within reasonable walking distance of the main entrance of such principal use unless a shuttle service is provided. Such automobile parking space shall be associated with the principal use and shall not thereafter be reduced or encroached upon in any manner.
   (C)   Setbacks. All parking spaces required in this chapter shall be set back at least five feet from adjacent street right-of-way, and at least eight feet from the edge of the street when no right-of-way exists beyond the street.
   (D)   Designation of parking spaces. All parking spaces required in this chapter shall be marked or designated by painted lines or an equivalent in a paved parking lot.
   (E)   Landscaping requirements for large parking lots. All parking areas located in the village which contains ten or more parking spaces shall be landscaped in accordance with the following standards.
      (1)   The five-foot setback area required in division (C) above and § 154.103 shall be landscaped in a manner which does not obstruct visibility at points of ingress or egress. The landscaping shall include live vegetation ground cover, grass, trees, or shrubs.
      (2)   (a)   Every off-street parking area constructed after the effective date of this amendment, or all off-street parking areas which add any off-street spaces after the effective date of this amendment shall provide and maintain landscaped planting areas within and adjacent to the parking areas. Each planting area shall have at least one locally adapted deciduous tree with a minimum of one-inch caliper. There shall be one tree for the first ten off-street parking spaces required in the project. One tree shall be required for every ten additional parking spaces or fraction thereof.
         (b)   All landscape materials shall be planted or landscaped in a manner which will prevent damage from cars in the parking areas. All damaged or diseased landscape materials shall be replaced with new landscape materials which meet the minimum standards of this section.
         (c)   When natural vegetation is retained in the construction of a parking area, new landscape materials shall not be required if the standards of this section are met or exceeded. However, landscape materials which do not survive shall be replaced.
      (3)   Any project which requires a landscaped parking area as required in this section shall submit a landscape plan with an application for a zoning compliance permit. The landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Village Planning Board.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1 Art. IX § 901)