(A)   Intent. The R-4 Residential Estate District is established as a district in which the principal use of the land is for single-family dwellings on large lots. These districts are established to preserve and protect the natural environment of areas which have soils or slopes which necessitates larger lots for on-site water and/or septic systems, areas where street access and other municipal services are limited, or areas where the existing or proposed development is designated for very low density residential uses.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Within the R-4 Residential Estate District, a building or land shall be used only for the following purposes:
      (1)   Single-family dwellings, excluding manufactured homes;
      (2)   Municipal uses, functions, and facilities; and
      (3)   Customary accessory buildings, structures, and uses, provided the building and structures are compatible with the architectural style of the principal structure and conform with the color and materials standards required by this chapter. Accessory buildings and structures shall be located in a side or rear yard and shall conform with the setback requirements. Dish antennas are permitted as an accessory use, subject to the provisions in § 154.107.
   (C)   Special use permits. Within the R-4 Residential Estate District, the following uses are permitted subject to the issuance of a special use permit from the Board of Adjustment in accordance with Chapter 31: private utility structures and facilities, specifically water, sewer, and electric.
   (D)   Dimensional requirements. Dimensional requirements of the R-4 Residential Estate District are as follow.
Minimum lot area in square feet
130,680 (three acres)
Density - dwelling units per acre (one unit per three acres)
Minimum yard requirements (in feet)
Maximum height (in feet)
(Prior Code, Ch. 1 Art. VII § 707) (Res. R-2021.9, passed 6-22-2021)