(A)   No improvement assessment shall be rendered invalid by reason of:
      (1)   Failure of the report to contain all of the information required by § 151.097;
      (2)   Failure to have all of the information required to be in the improvement resolution, the assessment ordinance, the lien docket, or notices required to be published and mailed;
      (3)   Failure to list the name of, or mail notice to, the owner of any property as required by this subchapter; and
      (4)   Any other error, mistake, delay, omission, irregularity, or other act, jurisdictional or otherwise, in any of the proceedings or steps herein specified, unless it appears that the assessment is unfair or unjust in its effect upon the person complaining.
   (B)   The Council shall have the power and authority to remedy and correct all such matters by suitable action and proceedings.
(Ord. 315, passed 12-14-1987)