(A)   If the Council approves the report as submitted, the Council shall by resolution declare its intention to make such improvement and direct the City Recorder to give notice of such improvement by publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the city and by mailing copies of such notice by mail to the owners of property to be assessed for the costs of such improvement.
   (B)   The notice shall contain the following:
      (1)   That a written report on the improvement is on file in the office of the City Recorder and is subject to public examination; and
      (2)   That the Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed improvement on a specified date, which shall not be earlier than ten days following the publication of notice, at which objections and remonstrances to such improvement will be heard by the Council; and that if, prior to such hearing, there are presented to the City Recorder valid written remonstrances on forms provided by the city of the owners of two-thirds of the property to be specially benefited by such improvement, then the improvement will be abandoned for at least six months unless the improvement is a sidewalk not funded by general obligation warrants of the city or bancroft bonds in which case the provisions of §§ 151.015 through 151.044 shall supersede any contrary provisions contained in this subchapter and the city may proceed with the sidewalk improvement regardless of remonstrances by benefitted landowners.
   (C)   A description of the property to be specially benefitted by the improvement, the estimated total cost of the improvement to be paid for by special assessments to benefitted properties, and an estimate of the unit cost of the improvement to the property to be specifically assessed.
   (D)   When the improvement is a sidewalk, §§ 151.015 through 151.044 shall apply and shall supersede any contrary provision in this subchapter so that the Council may order the owners of the lots adjacent to the proposed sidewalk to construct the sidewalk, at their expense, under the supervision of the Engineer, and conforming to certain plans and specifications, and that upon failure to do so, the city will cause the sidewalk to be constructed and a lien will be placed against the property adjacent to the site of such sidewalk for the cost thereof regardless of remonstrances filed by benefitted landowners.
(Ord. 315, passed 12-14-1987)