   Proceedings for the construction of new sidewalks may be initiated by petition of one or more of the owners of property abutting upon or adjacent to any street in any block or by resolution of the Council. In either case, if there are no existing concrete walks in the block affected before any resolution is adopted directing the construction of new walks, the Council shall cause the Recorder to give a notice of such proceedings to the owners of the property abutting upon the street or part of street where new walks are sought or proposed and, in case of a sidewalk improvement district, to the owners of the property in such district, which notice shall be posted not less than five days before the hearing in a conspicuous place along that side of the street and within the block where the new walks are proposed, and at least two of such notices shall be posted in each block.
(Ord. 351, passed 4-13-1992)
   Whenever the Common Council deems it expedient that new sidewalks be constructed within the city, the Council may, notwithstanding other procedures provided for by this code, adopt a resolution declaring that the construction of sidewalks is expedient and describe in such resolution with convenient certainty the location of said sidewalks and designate the property to be benefitted and assessed. The Council shall require the City Engineer to file with the City Recorder plans, specifications, and estimates of the proposed sidewalk improvement. If the Council shall find such plans, specifications, and estimates to be satisfactory it shall approve the same and shall define the boundaries of any sidewalk improvement district, if there be any. The declaration of the expediency of sidewalks, and the approval of the plans and specifications therefor may be done at one session of the Council and may be included in one resolution.
(Ord. 351, passed 4-13-1992)
   The resolution whereby the Council declares that the construction of sidewalks is expedient shall fix a time and place at which the Council will meet and hear all objections of protest against the construction of the proposed sidewalks and the assessment of the cost thereof against the affected property. The City Recorder shall give notice of such hearing by publishing same in some daily newspaper published in the area of the city, nor less than ten days prior to the date of the hearing, and also by serving said notice upon the record owner of the property liable to be assessed for the cost of the improvement by mail directed to the record owner at the last post office address of such owner known to the City Recorder, and if such post office address is unknown, the notice shall be posted upon such owner’s property. Any such posting of notice shall be done not less than five days prior to the date of the hearing. The City Recorder shall make, or cause to be made, and filed in the office of the City Attorney, an affidavit of service of such notice. After the conclusion of the hearing the Common Council shall determine whether to proceed with the proposed construction of sidewalks, and the Council may proceed with the said construction notwithstanding objections and remonstrances thereto. The Council shall determine whether or not the improvement shall be made by the city in its corporate capacity, using its own forces for that purpose, or whether the making of the improvement shall be let out on contract after competitive bids are received.
(Ord. 351, passed 4-13-1992)