   (A)   Generally. Curb dimensions shall be as follows: the curb shall extend at least ten inches into the ground from the ground level after the street has been graded, six-inch exposure above the paved surface of street, six inches wide at the top with a three-fourths inch radii on street side and have a slope on the street side of one inch in six inches, perpendicular on the property side. All curbs within the city shall conform to standard cross-sections shown in city’s Public Works Standards. On all streets less than 60 feet in width and not less than 50 feet in width, the outer edge of the curbing shall be eight feet from the property line. On all streets less than 50 feet in width, the street edge of the curbing shall be such distance from the property as the Council from time to time shall direct; provided, nothing in this section shall be construed to require the curb lines to be altered or changed on streets where the same have been permanently improved at the expense of the adjacent and abutting property, unless by special order from the Council, and providing further that nothing in this section or in this subchapter shall be construed to preclude the Council in case of permanent street improvements from providing a different method and manner of constructing curb lines along such proposed improvement.
   (B)   Curb cuts or ramps required.
      (1)   The standard for construction of curbs requires not less than two curb cuts or ramps per lineal block to be located on or near the crosswalks at intersections. Each curb cut or ramp shall be at least 48 inches wide, where possible, and a minimum of 36 inches wide where a 48 inch width will not fit, at a slope not to exceed one-inch rise per 12-inch run. If a 12:1 slope will not fit, an 8:1 slope is acceptable if so constructed as to allow reasonable access to the crosswalk for persons with physical disabilities.
      (2)   Standards set for curb cuts and ramps under division (B)(1) above shall apply whenever a curb or sidewalk is constructed or replaced at any point in a block which gives reasonable access to a crosswalk.
(Ord. 351, passed 4-13-1992)
§ 151.018 PATTERN.
   On any side of any street on which concrete sidewalks already exist, the pattern established by the existing sidewalks, concerning the location of the sidewalk in relation to the curb and owner’s property line, shall determine the location for all sidewalks on the side of the street concerned. No deviation is to be made from established patterns without special permission of the City Council. On any side of any street where no pattern has been set by existing sidewalks, no sidewalk is to be constructed until the City Council has rendered a decision on whether the walk is to be built next to the curb or next to the owner’s property line.
(Ord. 351, passed 4-13-1992)
   The sidewalk shall have fall of one-fourth inch per foot from the property line toward the curb line, and shall be at least four inches minimum thickness.
(Ord. 351, passed 4-13-1992)
   (A)   All sidewalks shall be marked in blocks of no greater dimensions than four feet with three- eighths inch tooling running across the walk at right angles to their length and along both edges of sidewalks. Square blocks the width of sidewalk. Expansion joints shall be placed along the sidewalk at points not greater than 48 feet, and at each side of driveways. The joints shall be made by means of a prepared bituminous felt material one-half inch thick.
   (B)   The bituminous felt shall be cut to the exact cross-section of the sidewalk and shall be flush with the top surface and edges of the walk. A rectangular piece of sheet steel shall be used for backing for the bituminous felt, and held in place by iron pins until concrete is placed on both sides of the joint.
   (C)   The joints shall be properly finished on both sides of the expansion material. Contraction joints formed by one-eighths inch metal plates inserted in the concrete at intervals not exceeding 16 feet, to be removed after finishing, or by cutting slab at least one-third its full depth.
(Ord. 351, passed 4-13-1992)
§ 151.021 WATER METER BOX.
   (A)   Except where otherwise permitted, a water meter box for each residence or business building is to be installed adjacent to property line side of sidewalk in any curb sidewalk at the time the sidewalk is constructed.
   (B)   The water meter box is to be furnished to the property owner by the city at the property owner’s expense.
(Ord. 351, passed 4-13-1992)
§ 151.022 MATERIAL.
   The concrete mix for sidewalks and curbs shall be such that 2,500 pound concrete is obtained; approximately one part cement, two parts sands and four parts washed concrete gravel. (Approximately five sacks ready-mix concrete is required to meet the 2,500 pound strength of concrete requirement.)
(Ord. 351, passed 4-13-1992)
§ 151.023 CURING.
   During the 72-hour period following the placing of concrete, it shall be protected against premature curing with burlap mats frequently sprinkled with water, sawdust frequently sprinkled with water, or by other approved curing methods which will protect it from the detrimental action of the sun, wind, and rain until thoroughly set.
(Ord. 351, passed 4-13-1992)
   Sidewalks may be installed along with and as a part of a street improvement project when street improvements proceedings are instituted.
(Ord. 351, passed 4-13-1992)