(a) Components. Sanitary sewer user charges shall consist of three (3) components, as listed below. In addition, some of the components shall be subdivided into other components.
(1) User Charge - Non-Industry
A. Stryker WWTP and Sanitary Sewer System
(2) User Charge - Industry (Base)
A. Stryker WWTP and Sanitary Sewer System
(3) User Charge - Industry Surcharge
A. Stryker WWTP
(b) Applicability of Charges. Users shall be subject to the various components of charges initially on the basis of their user class, as subsequently provided under the paragraphs describing each component.
(c) User Charge - Non-Industry. Domestic and commercial users shall be subject to the User Charge - Non-Industry. Each User Charge - Non-Industry shall be computed as follows:
User Charge - Non-Industry = Stryker WWTP (per 1000 gal.) | Estimated Total Annual Operation and Maintenance Costs Assigned to the WWTP & Sanitary Sewer System less Estimated Revenue to be Received from User Charges - Industrial Surcharges Estimated Total Annual Consumption Subject to (UserCharge - Non-Industry + User Charge - Industry (Base) Stryker WWTP (in 1000 gal.) |
The Monthly User Charge - Non-Industry is $ 4.80, $5.80 (2009), $6.80 (2010)
(d) User Charge - Industry (Base). Industries shall be subject to the User Charge - Industry (Base). Each User Charge - Industry (Base) shall be computed in an identical manner to the respective components of the User Charge - Non-Industry.
(e) User Charge - Industry Surcharge. In addition to the User Charges - Industry (Base) applicable pursuant to this section, users discharging pollutants to the wastewater treatment works in concentrations exceeding normal as defined in Section 921.06, shall be subject to a User Charge - Industry Surcharge, which shall be calcu1ated as follows:
User Charge - Industry Surcharge
BOD = (B-200) x Qi x 0.00834 x Cto x 0.27; and/or
Suspended Solids = (S-240) x Qi x 0.00834 x Cto x 0.13
B = BOD concentration (in mg/l)
S = Suspended Solids concentration (in mg/l);
Qi = User discharge (in 1,000 gal.);
Cto = Estimated Total Annual Operation, Maintenance and Replacement Costs assigned to the WWTP;
0.27 = Portion of Cto assigned to BOD;
0.13 = Portion of Cto assigned to Suspended Solids;
Bt = Estimated Total Annual Pounds of BOD received at the WWTP;
St = Estimated Total Annual Pounds of Suspended Solids received at the WWTP.
0.00834 = Constant (8.34 pounds x 1,000)
gals. 1,000,000
(f) Surcharge for Other Pollutants. Surcharges may also be established for pollutants, other than those provided for, which are permitted to be discharged to the wastewater treatment works by the Village, after pretreatment, or without pretreatment.
(g) User Classes. The placement of a user within a particular user class for applying User Charges shall be as determined by the Village Administrator. For the purpose of applying the Industrial Cost Recovery Surcharges, all users of the wastewater treatment works shall be classified as a member of one of the two following user classes:
(1) Non-Industrial User Class
(2) Industrial User Class
All users not defined as an Industrial User per Federal Regulations No. 35.905.8 Industrial User, shall be placed in the Non-Industrial User Class.
(h) Annual Rate Review. The sanitary sewer charge rates shall assure that each recipient of waste treatment services will pay its proportionate share of the cost of operation and maintenance including replacement. Revenue generated shall be proportionate to the portion of operation and maintenance necessary. These rates shall be reviewed annually and shall be revised periodically, as required, to reflect actual treatment works operation and maintenance.
(i) Audit, Review and Adjustment. Revenues, expenses, consumption, loadings and other data associated with sanitary sewer charges shall be audited annually. All estimated revenues, expenses, consumption, loadings, allocation factors, etc. shall be reviewed and adjusted annually so as to more accurately reflect current conditions and adjust for past inequities. One of the main purposes of the audit shall be to maintain a proportionate distribution of the wastewater treatment works' operation and maintenance costs, including billing, to all users by means of the user charge system, and to insure that user charges are sufficient to cover all operation and maintenance costs, including billing. Within the limitations of all applicable Federal, State, and Local laws, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency shall have the right to audit industrial waste discharge records. (Ord. 2008-04. Passed 7-14-08.)
(j) Monthly Base Charges. Within the corporation limits of the Village, there is hereby levied and charged upon each mobile home, apartment, commercial establishment, industry, or lot, parcel of land or premises on which there is situated a building, structure or other facility, which is either directly or indirectly connected to a sewer having its ultimate outlet at the Stryker WWTP, a monthly base charge which shall be nineteen dollars ($19.00) per month.
(Ord. 2024-09. Passed 10-21-24.)
(k) Effective Date of Charges. The monthly base charges established shall commence from the earliest period allowed by law when the building, structure or other facility is connected to a sewer having its ultimate outlet at the Stryker WWTP, or as of a date 120 days following the date on which the Village notifies the owner of such premises that the sewer is available for making such connection, whichever date first occurs and such charges shall be payable pursuant to this section. Premises making a connection to the sewer system after the first day of any month shall be charged a per diem pro rated amount based on the monthly base charge from the time such connection is made to the first day of the following month.
(l) Additional Charges. User charges calculated pursuant to subsection (a)(1) or (2) hereof shall be included in the Monthly Base Charge calculated pursuant to this section. User charges and industrial surcharges calculated pursuant to this chapter shall be in addition to the Monthly Base Charge calculated pursuant to this section. (Ord. 2008-4. Passed 7-14-08.)
(m) Non-Water Purchase Sewer Charge. All users of the Village of Stryker, Ohio sanitary sewer, who do not purchase water from the Village of Stryker, shall pay a rate equal to usage of 2,000 gallons/month. (Ord. 2013-7. Passed 6-10-13.)
(n) Sanitary Sewer Charges Outside the Village. With respect to any such premises situated outside of the corporate limits of the Village, and has active connections with the system pursuant to authorization of the Village Council, sanitary sewer charges shall be inside the corporate limits, Rates + 100%.
(o) Method of Collecting Charges. The sanitary sewer charges provided in this chapter shall be payable monthly at the Stryker Municipal Building during regular office hours. Charges established with respect to premises served by the Village Water Works system shall be included with the Village water bill and become payable at the same time the Village water bill becomes payable. With respect to premises not so served, charges shall be billed and payable at the same times as the Village water bills are rendered and become payable. The billing and collection of Sanitary Sewer Charges and Monthly Base Charges shall be the responsibility of the Village. The same shall be subject to and governed by the valid and applicable rules and regulations from time to time established by the Village. Surcharges levied pursuant to this chapter shall be billed monthly or as otherwise established by the Village Council.
(p) Non-Payment of Bill. Each charge levied is hereby made a lien against the premises charged therewith, and if the same is not paid within 120 days after it shall be due, it shall be certified to the auditor of Williams County, who shall place it on the tax duplicate, with interest and penalties allowed by law, and be collected as other municipal taxes are collected. The Village shall have the right in the event of non-payment to discontinue water service to such premises until the unpaid charges have been fully paid.
(q) Special Contracts. The Village shall have the right to contract with special users when agreement schedules and charges are in accordance with prevailing rates of this chapter.
(Ord. 2008-4. Passed 7-14-08.)