For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section.
(a) "Garbage" and "offal" means all refuse and waste of animals, fish, fowl, fruit and vegetable matter, and any other material so designated by the Department of Health of Williams County or the State of Ohio, liquified or otherwise, which accumulates in the use and preparation of food for the table, and which has been discarded and abandoned and is no longer of value to the owner for ordinary purposes of domestic consumption, and also all refuse arising from the dealing in or storing of such substances.
(b) "Refuse" means only such materials as are either in fact noxious or have been refused and abandoned by the owner as worthless.
(c) "Rubbish" means wire, chips, shavings, bottles, broken glass, crockery, tin, cast or wooden ware, boxes, rags, dead weeds, paper circulars, handbills, boots, shoes, ashes or any waste material other than garbage or offal.
(d) "Used building materials" means any materials such as wood, stone, brick, cement blocks or any composition or combination thereof used or useful in the erection of any building or structure which have been used previously for such erection or construction by the same person or other persons.
(e) "Motor vehicle in an unoperative condition" means any style or type of motordriven vehicle used or useful for the conveyance of persons or property which is unable to move under its own power due to defective or missing parts, and which has remained in such condition for a period of not less than ten consecutive days.
(f) "Motor vehicle unfit for further use" means any style or type of motor-driven vehicle used for the conveyance of persons or property which is in a dangerous condition due to defective or missing parts or is in such a condition generally as to be unfit for further use as a conveyance.
(g) "Automobile part" means any portion or part of any motor-driven vehicle as detached from the vehicle as a whole.
(h) "Scrap metal" means pieces or parts of steel, iron, tin, zinc, copper, aluminum or any alloy thereof whether covered with porcelain or other material, whether intact or in parts, which has served its usefulness in its original form and can no longer be used or useful for its originally intended purpose.